The Ar(t)chitects use art and performance to open the imagination, dissolve every day associations with a place and experiment with new forms. In our vision art is a dialogue, not a monologue; art engages, questions and inspires. Dance and movement are our bread and butter, but we are also at home with installation art, film and photography. Where possible we collaborate with other (local) artists and art disciplines. Within our own artistic practice we´ll draw on different physical disciplines within the hybrid fields of contemporary dance, street dance, contact improvisation, instant composition, somatics, flamenco and circus, but also include the practices, movement biographies and interests that are brought in by the participants. We both approach these practices through teaching set material and through creative improvisational and compositional tasks that enable the participants to take ownership off their individual movement practices.
The artistic process can take shape in theatre performances and/or site-specific work; installations or artistic happenings in public space, such as flash mobs, dance-walks, danceokes, body installations or cozy coffee break performances on marketplaces. Especially with the site-specific approaches we’ll look for experiences that are participatory, inclusive and empowering. We like to provide opportunities for performers and audiences to playfully reinvent and re-own public spaces and find new ways of interacting.